St. Catherine Philoptochos
School Supply Drive 2023
to benefit Lansing Elementary School in th Aurora Public School District.

We cannot thank you enough for your very generous response to our appeal for support of school supplies for Lansing Elementary School in the Aurora Public School District.

Due to your overwhelming kindness, we were able to donate the following items to this school: 

373 boxes of Kleenex
291 containers of Clorox Wipes
2,584 Ticonderoga Pencils
100 composition books
439 glue sticks
1,506 Ziploc gallon bags
1,586 Ziploc quart bags
100 boxes of Crayola crayons
69 spiral notebooks

In addition to:
60 1” binders
55 quad ruled composition books
35 mini reusable water bottles
348 thick black EXPO dry erase markers
456 thin black EXPO dry erase markers
83 boxes of Crayola colored pencils
20 4 packs of Play Doh
112 pkgs. of Post It notes
60 Purell hand sanitizers

 May our loving Lord bless you and your families your generosity toward those in need.

Thank you!

St. Catherine Philoptochos
Operation Classroom Committee